Connect Azure DevOps with Vistar
To connect Azure DevOps with Vistar, you need to have the following prerequisites:
- ‘Organization Owner’ role in Azure.
- Administrator permissions in Vistar. To establish a connection between Vistar and Azure DevOps, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the Integrations page.
- Look for the Available section.
- Search for Azure DevOps within the available integrations.
- To connect to Azure DevOps, click on the ‘Azure DevOps’ button. You will be redirected to a Microsoft web page where you will need to log in as the owner of the Azure DevOps organization.
- Once you have logged in, you will need to authorize Vistar to access your repositories, work items, and member list. After you have done this, you will be redirected to Vistar and the connection will be complete.
Commonly occurring challenges Depending on the available resources, it might require a certain amount of time for them to populate. You will receive a notification indicating that they are currently loading, and you can allow the process to continue in the background. If you are unable to see any resources after the scan has completed, please consider checking the following steps:
Visit the DevOps home page and verify if you can locate "Organization Settings." If it is not visible, please ensure that you are using an account that holds the role of "organization" owner.
Confirm that the user has project administration privileges by following the instructions provided in Azure's support article mentioned here.
Ensure that the Version Control for the project is set to 'Git.' Currently, Vistar does not support TFVC (Team Foundation Version Control).